1992 - Little Shop of Horrors
“Director’s Note:
Although I was faced with many difficult decisions over the course of the summer, one of the most challenging problems was how to express the original satiric nature of the script, while, at the same time, insuring that the portrayal of the characters was as realistic and human as possible. It wasn’t easy, but I feel that we have done quite an exceptional job...
Many people have asked me this summer what my concept for the show was. I simply responded by saying, ‘It’s about a big plant that eats people!’...”
Producer: Laurel Portnoy
Business Manager: Blake D. Reid
Associate Producers: Mark Fink, Quinn T. McCord
Director of Public Relations: Rachel Fink
Director of Fundraising: Andrew Davis
Director: Joshua Feldman
Assistant Director: Felicia Gieske
Production Stage Manager: Joseph M. Murphy
Assistant Stage Manager: Pamel H. Leahigh
Musical Director: Michael J. Bobbitt
Assistant Musical Director: Steve Loewenthal
Rehearsal Pianists: Michael B. Klein, Dan Neustadt
Conductor: Serge Knystautas
Choreographer: Julie Turaj
Dance Captains: Beth Emerson, Oona Flaherty
Technical Director: Paul Sklar
Assistant Technical Director: Christos Haris
Scenic Designer: N. Joseph DeTullio
Assistant Scenic Designer: Matt Dirksen
Scenic Artist: Michael D'Addario
Lighting Designer: Loren Sklar
Assistant Lighting Designer: David Morenoff
Master Electrician: Dan Rinzel
Light Board Operator: Suzanne M. Phillips
Costume Designer: Michelle Tobe
Assistant Costume Designer: Jamila Mayo
Properties Designer: Pat Brown
Sound Designer: Ben Stern
Master Sound Technician: Philip Moyer
Make-Up Designer: Mark Fink
Floor Manager: Karl Eiholzer
House Manager: Min Koo
Box Office Manager: Quinn T. McCord
Graphic Designer: Meredith Jennings Offen
Program Coordinator: Quinn T. McCord
Program Design/Layout: Michael B. Klein
Photographers: Emerson, Rebecca Gottesman
Seymour Krelborn: Randy Kravis
Audrey: Jenny Abrahams
Audrey II (voice): Alan Mingo, Jr.
Audrey II (manipulation): Talia Segal, Blake Reid, Steve Loewenthal
Mr. Mushnik: Randy Kurstin
Orin Scrivello: Martin D. Anderson
Crystal: Jacqueline Jenkins
Ronnette: Wanda M. Kelly
Chiffon: Dana R. Miller
Customers: Jim Bitonti, Rebecca Gottesman
Radio Announcer: Andrew Davis
Dream Dancers: Beth Emerson, Oona Flaherty
Skip Snip: Darrin Friedman
Bernstein: Dan Morenoff
Patrick Martin: Andrew Davis
Mrs. Luce: Jenny Norkin
Skid Row Soloist: Arielle Metz
Chang: Dan Morenoff
Shop Renovators: Andrew Davis, Rebecca Gottesman, Dan Morenoff, Jenny Norkin, Dan Roddy, Madeline White
Alto Sax: Daniel Rozas
Baritone Sax: Jackson Moore
Trombone: Alex Reid
Piano: Dan Neustadt
Guitar: Devin Stewart
Bass: Ben Wonicor
Percussion: Matt Schoenfeld
Crew: Alexis Abrams, Craig Beach, Matt Berman, Jessica Blair, Anna Bonner, Pat Brown, Sarah Brownstein, Ellen Connell, Alex Cooper, Matt Dirksen, Mike Dirksen, Richard Dirksen, Jan Donohoe, Karl Eiholzer, Danyel Fisher, Edward R. Fuller III, Randi E. Garten, Marlo Goldstein, Sara Guroff, Christos Haris, David Iannotti
Elizabeth Iannotti, Anna Kelly, Laura Kent, Elizabeth Keyes, Min Koo, Jason Liang, Allison Lowry, Charlie McNamara, Jacob Moore, David Morenoff, Philip Moyer, Al Parker, Suzanne M. Phillips, Manuel Poo-Rodriguez, Timothy Priest, Erica Prodouz, Dan Rinzel, Michael Roller, Sharon L. Runyan, Jonathan Schultz, Avigal Segal, Talia Segal, Lara D. Simon, Mark Storch, Phyllis Storch, Joey Strange, Paul Torchia, Bruce Vanderver, Pierre Vial, Tara Watson, Matthew Whiting, Genevieve Williams, Sara Zatz